
The Aspects in Numerology

The Aspects usual resultants of all the combinations. The word "usually"  is stressed, as you can see, and most combinations are noted as USUALLY harmonious or USUALLY discordant. There's one other resultant shown: The combinations of identical numbers, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, are labeled USUALLY very discordant. Chapter 9 is devoted to this special case. Hold off on delineations with these combinations until after we've developed the general case.

Some of the combinations or aspects in Chart 6 show the opposite resultant in parentheses below the usual resultant. Become familiar with these possibilities as you begin working on delineations.

Chart 6 is different than any other chart in the book. It's the only chart which compares a combination of potentials. But, as you use it, remember that these resultants and the discussions which follow them are meant primarily to assist you in the beginning. These comparisons are based on my experience with numbers, and the discussions are limited by the available space. But there's nothing sacred about the discussions. Your experience in delineation will provide you with your own resultants and reasons. Probably, many of your conclusions will be similar to mine, but if you see the world, and the resultants differently, and you are gaining and giving insight with your readings, then, by all means, follow your own instincts.

It might seem that the best core would be one where all the combinations of elements are harmonious. When this does occur, the lack of discord may make for a comparatively comfortable use of the energies involved, but may tend to inhibit growth and development.

I rarely think of "best" or "worst" in the context of numerology. Each life is developed from its own potentials and each of us can deal only with the potentials we possess. You can only express, at best, the highest level of your own potentials. It will not benefit you to compare yourself (or anyone else) with others. People have their own potentials and are operating only within those contexts.

We have been dealing with the harmony or discord of combined energies. Harmonious energies do not guarantee harmonious lives, just as discordant energies do not necessarily produce discordant lives. Along with the energies a person possesses, he still has the free will to determine how to use these forces, and

he operates in an environment which exerts its own effect. Free will and environment play a large part in determining the harmony or discordance of lives, as we'll see when we discuss these important factors at the end of this chapter.


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