
The Effectiveness of the Combined Elements in Numerology

Imagine that Bertha and Eddie are contemplating starting a business together. Bertha is full of creative ideas and Eddie is a superb organizer, capable of dealing with people, money and all the other details that are involved in a business. Clearly, these two people have harmonious energies.

Eddie is very dynamic. He rises at dawn and is energetic until late at night, demanding a great deal quickly and efficiently from himself and his associates. Bertha is a different type—very quiet and contemplative. She may spend weeks alone, honing an idea to perfection. She doesn't like to be interrupted when she is working creatively—she wants to complete her project before discussing it with others. The harmony of her creativity and his organizational abilities will be severely tested by the effectiveness (or in this case, ineffectiveness) of their combined energies.

Harmony or discord, then, is only one way of looking at a combination of elements, and effectiveness, or workability, is another. In a character delineation, effectiveness is a measure of the relative levels of the opportunities {the Life Path), the abilities (the Expression) and the motivations (the Soul Urge). By determining the effectiveness, you can recognize whether a person possesses enough abilities and motivations to take advantage of his opportunities, and enough motivation to use his abilities. (The Birthday is treated as part of the Life Path and is not compared in effectiveness with the other elements.)

Think of the Life Path as a pitcher, with the size of the pitcher determined by the number of the Life Path. A 1 Life Path is the smallest pitcher, a 2 somewhat larger, a 22 the largest of all. Imagine filling the pitcher with a liquid representing the Expression. A 1 Expression would represent just a little bit of liquid while 22 would portray the largest quantity of liquid.

Consider a subject with a 22 Life Path and a 1 Expression. We have then, in the analogy, a large pitcher with almost nothing in it. The subject will be hard pressed to use his abilities to take advantage of the substantial opportunities which are present. This is a combination lacking in effectiveness.
Looking at the other extreme, we have a similar ineffective blend. If we attempt to fill a 1 Life Path pitcher with 22 Expression liquid, we have a small, full pitcher with most of the

liquid wasted. A subject with this combination would have difficulty finding suitable opportunities to use his abilities.
The most effective combination is represented by a comfortably filled pitcher. A 5 Life Path with a 3 or 4 Expression is effective, as is a 6 Life Path with a 7 or 8 Expression, Again, we'll leave the combination where the elements are the same number to Chapter 9.
When we imagine the Life Path as the pitcher with the Soul Urge the liquid, we can determine the effectiveness of the opportunities combined with the motivations. Similarly, the relation between motivation and ability uses the Expression as pitcher with the Soul Urge as liquid.
Let's examine the effectiveness of the different combinations. The combinations are listed by the number of spaces between the elements under consideration.
a.  If both elements are 9 or below, subtract the lower from the higher.
For example, with an 8 Life Path and a 5 Soul Urge, there are 3 spaces {8 minus 5) between the elements. Or, with a 2 Expression and a 9 Soul Urge, there are 7 (9 minus 2) spaces between.
b.  If either or both elements are 11 or 22, assume one space between 9 and 11, and one space again between 11 and 22.
With a 6 Expression and an 11 Soul Urge:
3+1      =4 spaces between 6 and 11
With a 4 Life Path and a 22 Expression:
5       +       1+     1        =7 spaces between 4 and 22
4 5 6 7 8 9  1   1    2  2


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