
The Harmony or Discord Among the Elements in Numerology

Suppose you have two core elements, one with a 6 potential, the other with a 2 potential. The 6 force is involved with handling responsibility, creating balance, providing love and harmony, sympathy and understanding. The 2 energy is concerned with adaptability, consideration, relating and cooperating with others. The forces of the 6 and 2 work well together with mutually beneficial energies. The 6 potential and the 2 potential are, in general, a harmonious combination.

What happens when we deal with a combination of 6 and 7 energies? The 6 force is, as before, involved with caring for others, expressing love and friendship, working to balance and harmonize relations. The 7 force is introspective, focused on studying, learning, analyzing, developing wisdom and spiritual awareness. Can you see that the concerns of the 6 involve relations with others, usually in everyday, down-to-earth situations, while the 7 grows inwardly, quietly, possibly spiritually, somewhat apart from practical affairs? These two forces are traveling in different directions, working toward different goals. The 6 potential and the 7 potential are, in general, a discordant combination.

In the same way, we can analyze the relations between all the combinations of potentials. We'll find, though, that the harmony or discord of many combinations are far less obvious than the examples just shown.

Look, for example, at a blending of a I potential with a 5 potential. The 1 is working to acknowledge its individuality, to express its independence, to attain as a leader or creator, while the 5, with many talents and many opportunities, is developing the constructive use of freedom. If the 1 has advanced to the point of attainment as a director or pioneer and can fuse this energy with the 5 potential to harness the available talents and opportunities, there can be an extremely harmonious combination. But suppose, instead, that the 1 is struggling just to become independent while the 5 is being overwhelmed by the change and variety in his life, the constant flux in the environment. The attempted stability of the 1 is at odds with the emphasis on the instability of the 5—a very discordant merger.

The 1-5 combination is, therefore, sometimes harmonious and sometimes discordant. That seems somewhat harder to handle than our first examples. In reconsidering that harmonious 6-2 combination, suppose the 6 potential is so responsible for family and friends that his own needs are virtually submerged while the 2 force is concentrating on helping everyone cooperate, again to the exclusion of his own needs. There's a good chance that the over-responsible 6 fused with the over-zealous 2 will be reduced to a doormat in the name of helping others, producing a discordant blending rather than the previous harmony.

The fact is that the combination of any two potentials can produce a harmonious or a discordant resultant. This corroborates my own experiences with numbers—and most people's experiences with other people. As you work with the numbers, I expect you'll draw the same conclusion. This is quite a complex situation! An understanding of this complexity is a vital link in producing delineations. I've dealt with this matter at length so you won't be apt to forget it or neglect it or attempt to reduce it to some simple formula when it is, in reality, sprawling and untidy.

Let's accept that either harmony or discord can be produced by combining any two energies. But, let's also recognize that a given combination USUALLY produces one or the other. Some fusions are more consistent than others. The 62 combination is almost always harmonious, and so is 3-6. The 6-7 combination is almost always discordant, and so are 4-5 and 8-11. The 1-5 combination is harder to predict. So are 6-9 and 2-3.
For our beginning syntheses, we'll assume that the usual resultant is the only resultant. We can produce a reasonably good delineation with that assumption, although we can delineate a more meaningful reading (as we will later on) by accepting the complexity which exists.


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