
I Don't Believe In Numerology

Numerology does not require belief to be what it is — like accounting, for example, does not require belief to be what it is.
Both numerology and accounting can be used to make projections and determine the likelihood of certain things happening. Neither require belief.
Similar to accounting and bookkeeping, the accuracy of numerological projections are limited to the data available for computation.

The data is subject to reality. If a numerological prediction says meeting someone is likely and the person stays home seated on a couch watching TV, the meet is unlikely to happen. If an accounting projection says sales are likely to increase steadily for five years, and soon thereafter there is a public relations fiasco, sales are likely to decrease, not increase.
The future depends on people's actions and inactions. In that sense, the future is self-determined. Whether numerology or accounting, the actions of people determine whether or not the projections manifest.
Numerology is a tool, not a belief. Numerology does not require belief. It is what it is, regardless.
Numerology works for:
  1. Revealing personal characteristics.
    Personal characteristics are such things as heart's desire, personality traits, likes and dislikes, the type of people likely to be friends, compatible goals, and the most likely personal destiny.
  2. Revealing a person's direction or general life path, and compatible careers.
  3. Revealing yearly tendencies, what to expect, and likely outcomes.
  4. Revealing monthly and daily resonance and what to expect from one cycle to another.
  5. Selecting the best name from a list of possibilities for naming a baby.
  6. Predicting the essence of situations a person is likely to experience day by day, month by month, year by year, during the course of a person's life.
That is a short list of some of the ways numerology does work.
Here are some things numerology does not work for:
  1. Revealing the person who will be the husband or the wife. (Numerology can reveal the person who is most compatible when the name and birth data of all candidates are provided. But it can not reveal with certainty which will be the spouse.)
  2. Revealing if a marriage will be arranged by others, for love, or for convenience.
  3. Revealing the date when a marriage will occur. (Numerology can provide the most likely or most fortunate periods of time for marriages to occur, with more accuracy when the birth data of both parties is known.)
  4. Heal physical ailments or guarantee results.
  5. Make a person famous. Some people, such as actors, may change their name for the sake of becoming famous. But the actor must still become known and remembered before fame is accomplished. No name by itself will make a person famous.
  6. Make a person rich, successful, or respected. Accumulation of money and success both require focused action. Respect must be earned. Richness and success will not come automatically except, perhaps, by being born into a rich family or by inheritance. A high position in life does not automatically bring true respect.
When looking for answers not readily available with numerology or from conventional doctors and consultants, then it may be prudent to consult with a professional psychic or tarot reader you can trust.
Numerology does a lot. But it is not everything.


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