
Sample reading of the Life Path in Numerology

With an understanding of the Life Path, you now possess the single most important element of a character delineation. The information you have is accurate, as far as it goes, but must be couched in careful terms to allow for the ample modifications as you synthesize the many additional elements.

A sample reading with this limited information, might read as follows:

The central focus of your life is the                 Fill in with
learning of___________________           "Central Focus"
____________________________            information,

Here are some of the attitudes and                  Fill in with
traits you're likely to express:_____           "Characteristics"
______________________________           information.

Like most people, there are times           Fill in with "Nega-
when you aren't always expressing            tive Expression"
the best that's in. you.  Sometimes,           information: first,

you're probably struggling with____           the exaggeration of
____________________________           the lesson, and
or with   _____________________           second, the denial
_____________________________          of the lesson.


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