
Positive attitudes negative attitudes of THE EXPRESSION in Numerology

The upper horizontal division of this chart, labeled "Abilities," describes the capabilities and talents possessed by each Expression. Some of these may be latent, but most of them are operating and are apparent.

Positive attitudes negative attitudes
The middle and lower divisions of the chart, labeled "Positive Attitudes" and "Negative Attitudes," describe the harmonious and discordant extremes of all the Expressions. For example   a person with a 1 Expression may be ambitious and example, a person with a 1 Expression may be ambitious and  determined (positive attitude) or too aggressive (negative attitude). A person with a 4 Expression may be systematic and orderly (positive attitude) or have a rigid, stubborn approach (negative attitude). Each of these examples expresses the extremes of one particular attitude. Although the chart lists the extremes for ease in syntheses to be developed, begin to be aware of the continuums which are present. The knowledge of the continuums will help as you become more experienced in delineating.

Later, when we synthesize all four of the elements of the core, we will often be able to see which attitudes a person is more likely to express, and, sometimes, whether the positive or negative side is expressed. Since the delineation describes attitudes in effect throughout a person's life, we must be aware that, at different periods in life a person may express different parts of the range of a particular attitude. A person with a 3 Expression may, when young, be something of a dilettante in  scattering his forces (negative attitude). As he matures, he may express the joy of living instead, colored with optimism and enthusiasm (positive attitude). It's also possible that he may start out in life expressing the joy of living and regress to something of a dilettante.
We cannot know precisely at what point a person will be along the range of a particular attitude at any specific time, but the synthesis will clarify the basic attitudes and the probable thrust of that attitude. The art of delineation will allow us to read the Expression for any time in a person's life and provide an interpretation most useful to the person at the time of the reading.


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