
Born on 6th, 15th or 24th-Psychic/Nature Number 6 in Numerology

This lecture is about people born on 6th, 15th and 24th of any month. Also for people having their destiny number or name number as 6.

Venus is a benefic planet with a feminine watery nature. It is known as the planet of love and peace. It is the guru of anti Gods. It is the sensuous side of human nature. People born on the date of Venus or having a strong Venus in this horoscope have an artistic nature and are very passionate and sensuous.
Also Venus gives its native an emotional nature.
The basic characteristics of people born on 6th, 15th and 24th are as follows:
a) Romantic: Number 6 people are extremely romantic by nature. Some show it openly and some don’t. That depends upon their destiny number. Like psychic 6 and destiny 6 are very romantic but generally only their partners will be able to see it as they do not have flirtish tendencies. Otherwise Number 6 people have flirtish tendencies, whether male or female.
b) Lover of everything which is beautiful: Number 6 people just love everything which is beautiful, whether it be a good painting, an expensive watch or a beautiful place.
c) Passionate: They are passionate in whatever they do.
d) Emotional: They are highly emotional and get emotional with people very soon, because of which they are hurt quiet often. When they are into a relationship they get too close with their partners mentally and emotionally but this does not remain for long as most of Number 6 people get bored easily.
e) Creative: Creativity is in the blood for Number 6 people.
f) Inventive / Innovative: Psychic 6 and destiny 2 and 7 people always try to think out of the box. They have the knack of it and come out with innovative solutions for every problem.
g) Magnetic Personality: They love beautiful things and also themselves always try to be beautiful. They always want to remain young. They are always young by heart.
h) Spend lavishly: Most of the Number 6 people spend lavishly. They hardly save money.
i) Responsibility: Number 6 is the number of responsibility. They make excellent managers and are very good in doing multiple tasks together. Also they are known to come out of any difficult situation with ease.
Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday
Lucky Colours: White, Blue, Pink
Unlucky Colours: Black
Lucky Dates: 3, 6 and 9 series
Rules over: Kidney and reproductive system
Professions Suited: Acting, Fashion Designers, textile merchants, jewellery designing, artists, poets, confectioners, restaurant business
Number 6 Psychic (when positive)or people born on 6th, 15th or 24th, please note that the effect increases if the month is June as it is also 6)
1) Youthful: As discussed earlier Number 6 people always want to remain young.
2) Attractive: They are attractive and with their jovial and easy going attitude are able to attract the opposite sex easily
3) Magnetic Personality
4) Expert in love making
5) Creative
6) Universal Friends: 6 is the only single digit number which is divisible by both 2 and 3. Number 6 is called the universal friend because they can just get along with any number within seconds. Also 1+2+3=6 and 1X2X3=6.
7) Fond of luxuries: Number 6 people are fond of luxuries and they spend lavishly.
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Psychic 6 (when negative)
1) Lazy: Number 6 people are too lazy at times and they lack energy.
2) Too emotional at times: At times they are too emotional and possessive
3) Argumentative
4) Intimate relationships outside marriage: Number 6 people are generally to be seen having more than one relationship in their life. They get into relationships after marriage as well.
5) Addictive: If 6 is associated with a weak destiny or a name number, they easily get addicted to alcohol.
6) Non organized if number 6 is weak
Time for some examples:
Psychic Number 6:
Sachin Tendulkar
Sania Mirza
Kapil Dev
Madhuri Dixit
Queen Victoria
Sylvester Stallone
Jennifer Lopez
Psychic 6 people generally are more visible than other numbers. You will see that Sachin, Sania and Kapil are the sports people most visible in the advertisements although there are so many successful sports people in India.
Name Number 6
Shahrukh Khan
Tiger Woods
Sanjay B Jumaani
Name Number 33: In numerology Number 33 is known as the Number of wealth and is a very lucky number.
Name Number 42: Number 42 is supposed to be a lucky number. SRK is 42, but recently after seeing the episode of Tiger Woods, we should be using this number carefully. It gives fame but as discussed earlier, it can defame as well.
If you are in entertainment industry, number 6 is the number for you as it will always make you more visible and more accepted.

More About Number 6 in Numerology


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