
The Birthday in Numerology

In Chapter 3, we visualized each Life Path as a broad channel or highway. Now, visualize the highway of each Life Path    divided into eleven lanes, one for each Birthday: 1 through 9, plus the master numbers 11 and 22. Everyone on the particular highway is learning the same major lessons, but the lane occupied by each person presents an additional sub-lesson modifying the main focus of the Life Path.

If we look at the 3 lane, for example, we see it further subdivided into four divisions, one representing a day of birth on the 3rd, one a day of birth on the 12th (1 + 2 = 3), one a day of birth on the 21st (2 + 1 = 3), and one a day of birth on the 30th (3 + 0 = 3). These four all have the same sub-lesson of 3, but each has slightly different traits and attitudes because of the different numbers behind the sub-lesson number.
The highway of each Life Path, then, is actually divided into 31 divisions, each representing the sub-focus, traits and attitudes determined by the day of the month on which a person is born.
chart 5: the birthday, on page 278, provides readings for each of the Birthdays.
The sub-lessons are the keywords related to the single digit or master number of each Birthday and are found at the top of each page of the chart adjacent to the large number. The attitudes and abilities for each day of birth are listed under the appropriate day of the month.

Let's, for example, look at the different numbers on the 3 Birthday page.

A birthday on the 3rd of any month:

Sub-lesson: Expression. Joy of living. Emphasis on 3 attitudes and abilities only. No sub-emphasis on other energies.

A birthday on the 12th of any month:
Sub-lesson: Expression. Joy of living. Emphasis on 3 attitudes and abilities. Sub-emphasis on 1 and 2 attitudes and abilities (1 and 2 are the numbers behind the birthday of 12).

A birthday on the 21st of any month:
Sub-lesson: Expression. Joy of living. Emphasis on 3 attitudes and abilities. Sub-emphasis on 2 and 1 attitudes (2 and 1 are numbers behind the birthday of 21).

A birthday on the 30th of any month:
Sub-lesson: Expression. Joy of living.

Emphasis on 3 attitudes and abilities. Similar to 3 Birthday but the energy is more strongly expressed here, (30 is a higher octave of 3, meaning that the 3 traits are intensified. The "good conversationalist" ability of the 3, for instance, is replaced by "excellent conversationalist" of the 30; the "'affectionate and loving" 3 is replaced by the "very affectionate and loving" 30. 20 is, similarly, a higher octave of 2, and 10 a higher octave of 1.) No sub-emphasis on other energies.

As you look , you'll see that several days show a special emphasis. The 11th is a master number with traits relating not only to 11 but also to its reduced level 2. The 22nd is a master number with traits relating not only to 22 but also to its reduced level 4.


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